breaded_fish wrote in theartshow Feb 26, 2012 00:38
celeb: adele, celeb: jared leto, &fandom: game of thrones, celeb: kristen stewart, !graphic: tumblr(s), !graphic: animated gif(s), celeb: robert pattinson, &fandom: snow white and the huntsman
nikki_cee wrote in theartshow Dec 21, 2011 14:15
celeb: jason isaacs, celeb: adele, !graphic: fanmix(s), &fandom: beauty and the beast, !graphic: icon(s), &fandom: jaws, !graphic: picspam(s), &fandom: up, !graphic: other, !graphic: animated gif(s), &fandom: harry potter, &fandom: toy story, &fandom: x-men, !graphic: banner(s)
breaded_fish wrote in theartshow Nov 27, 2011 12:29
celeb: adele, celeb: chord overstreet, celeb: jared leto, !graphic: icon(s), &fandom: game of thrones, &fandom: the borgias, celeb: robert pattinson, &fandom: alias, &fandom: supernatural, &fandom: misfits, celeb: jackson rathbone